Monday, October 15, 2012

Paula's Visit

Walking to the Hill Cumorah

Celia & Beverly

Bradfords and Bushmans

The Busy Month of September

Now the month of September has ended and it is again time to report about some of our activities here.  We had some very interesting times during the month.   We started out the month with the visit of more close friends, Richard & Karen Bradford with two of their daughters Charilyn and Julie.  We had a great time with them visiting the Palmyra sites.  In the early evening we returned to Mendon to greet Karen’s brother, Steven Bushman and his wife Jolyn.  

On Monday the 3rd we went to the Mendon sites then on to Fayette.  From there we separated and the Bradfords headed for Michigan.  We went to Palmyra with the Bushmans.  We feel that part of our mission here is to share our knowledge of these sacred sites with others.  It has been our great privilege to share.  Any of you in the same circumstance would do the same thing.  It is such a blessing to live here at this time.    
We had a surprise visit from a senior couple who had lived in the John Young home in 2003 to 2005.  We had fun comparing notes and sharing a few experiences.  They told us that they moved into the home after the FM Group had finished some renovations of the home. 
We also had friends Celia Mode and Beverly Eister visit us.  They came on a Friday night, so we were able to do many things with them over the weekend, including attending the temple.  We then went into downtown Palmyra to the Book of Mormon Publication site.  While there the city was hosting an antique auto show along Main Street.  It was fun seeing some very old cars from the 30’s, to the 70’s.  

On Monday the 17th and Tuesday the 18th we attended Specialized Training for the Zones.  Elder Anthony Perkins of the First Quorum of Seventy was our visiting authority.  He shared some great insights with us.  He told us about having been involved in the new missionary selection process with Elder Scott.  He testified that the selections are made through revelation as the names appear on the screen.  It was fascinating learning about it.  We are truly convinced that the Lord does choose where all missionaries serve.   The Lord must have a wonderful “super computer” to be able to know where people are and who needs to go where to meet them and bring them the gospel.  Elder Perkins also told us that if we are truly converted to the Lord, we will never falter.  

We participated in a special walk to the Hill Cumorah from the Smith Farm on the 22nd.  We were doing it in commemoration of the day that Joseph walked to the Hill to see the plates 189 years ago.  It had been a rainy morning, but after Elder Jensen said a prayer for the weather and our safety, the rain ceased and we made the four mile walk and stayed dry.  We had to walk an extra mile because of the route we took to avoid heavy traffic.  We then walked along the trails on the Hill Cumorah.  We had such a great experience learning more about sites that Joseph probably saw so many years ago.  He was shown the place in vision where he would find the plates.  There is such a feeling of reverence when we visit those special, out of the way, places. 

Our last special visitor, Paula Johnson, came on the 27th.  It was great to have her here with us.  She and Kae had a great time visiting an antique store and other places.  Paula went with us to Staff Meeting and an ASL class, among other things.  We kept her running.  We love it here and it is so great to be able to serve here on a mission.  We meet wonderful people every day, it is fun to share a quick gospel thought with many.  We find the pass along cards to be very useful.  

May the Lord bless each of you in your lives and your endeavors, Elder Kent & Sister Kae Servoss