Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fall Pictures from Western New York

Report of our October Activities

The big storm has missed us, extra rain and slight winds were all that we received here in Mendon.  The storm, Sandy, turned southwest and went across Pennsylvania.   We have read and watched video of the terrible things that happened on the east coast, including New York City.  Maybe it was the Lord’s way of reminding people that He is in charge.   We have not heard specific reports of LDS Church members or buildings that were affected, but there must have been some.  All of our missionaries were prepared and had been counseled to get to their apartments before 5 pm on Monday, and stay indoors until notified.  When Tuesday morning arrived and all was calm, President sent out the word to “Go back to work”.  We had been prepared to not go to the office.  We ended up just starting ½ hour late.  We just feel blessed that the storm missed us.
The cooler weather is here now, it was about 40 degrees today, and colder at night.  The feel in the air is more winter like.  The fall weather here was so beautiful, with intermittent rain.  We hear that this may be a more normal winter here, with lots of snow.  Last year was very mild.  
Last month we all were surprised with the new missionary age announcement.  The very next week our mission president was in a conference with 21 other area mission presidents and their wives.  They were instructed by some General Authorities about the impact of the new ages.  They really anticipate a huge amount of growth.  It surely is the Lord’s way of helping to hasten in His second coming.  President Christianson had to send his recommendation two weeks later.  He proposed a couple of plans.  We may receive many additional missionaries in the next two months and into the next year.   It is exciting and we will adjust to whatever is asked.  I could be adding about 20 new apartments to the list.  The eventual plan is to form many new missions in the USA in the next 12 months to accommodate the growth.  We heard that the number of missionary application a week ago jumped from about 700 to 4,000.  It is all very exciting.  The Lord is really hastening His work throughout the world.  The current 58,000 missionary force could increase dramatically.  Now is the time for us all to double our efforts. 
During October we were able to attend mission Specialized Training in Batavia and Canadaigua.  We were reminded about the lineage that most of us have from Abraham and that we also have made covenants and need to honor them and keep them.  That is one of the reasons that it is so important to attend the temple often and partake of the sacrament with the proper frame of mind.   We need to contemplate the meaning of the sacrament and every time we partake of it, we need to think of our Savior and His great sacrifice for us. 
On the 16th we had transfers again.  It is always exciting to see the new companionships.  We have seen the Lord’s hand in pairing up unlikely combinations and then having them tell Pres. Christianson that they are happy and things are working out.  These young missionaries are wonderful and are so well prepared.  We hope that all eligible young Elders and Sisters will grasp the opportunity to serve.  It makes such a great difference in their lives and helps the Lord in His work at the same time.  
We had a wonderful experience recently that started at Walmart.  Sister Servoss saw a man approaching the front door from outside on crutches.  She turned to him and said, “Ouch”, as she looked at his leg (which had a large bandage on the front of it).  We walked into the store with them and the husband said, “I was baptized into your church when I was 11.”  We then mentioned to them where the church was located and that Palmyra was close by.  We gave them our card and said goodbye.  They went home and thought about things.  The wife is not a member of the LDS church.  On General Conference Sunday they decided to go the Hill Cumorah visitors center.  They had a great time and felt the spirit.  They filled out a self referral card and the next day were visited by sister missionaries.  They have taken several lessons and their two young children love Primary and have made friends there.  They are progressing well.  Yesterday Elders Servoss and Jensen were able to give the husband a blessing.  Today he said that he was able to skip his pain medication and is feeling much better.  We know that the Lord is blessing him and helping his family embrace the gospel.  Good things are happening.
May the Lord bless you and your families as you approach Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We know that Heavenly Father and the Savior are mindful of all of their children and the gospel is true. 
Much love, Elder & Sister Servoss (Kent & Kae)