Sunday, July 31, 2011

Two Great Weeks, Travel & Arrival

We completed nine days of training at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah on July 18th. What a great time we had there learning more about how to share the gospel with others, and how to work in the mission office. We very much enjoyed the wonderful atmosphere there. The spirit was so strong. We met other couples who were departing to diverse locations such as: Hawaii, Anchorage, Washington, New York, Hong Kong, and Finland. We are all excited to serve and provide service to our missions. We were excited to start our assignment in Rochester, New York.

After 2 1/2 days of travel we arrived in Wheeling, WV at the missionary home of our cousins, Rod and Cathy Green (Elder & Sister Green). It was so good to see them again. They are doing great work in the Ward there. We enjoyed going to church with them and hearing Elder Green speak. On Monday we toured the area and accompanied them as they visited members in distress at two hospitals.

On Tuesday morning we made the 6 hour drive to Rochester, NY. It was nice to finally be at the mission office. We enjoyed getting acquainted with the office staff, particularly our mentors. In the evening we went to the mission home and met Pres. Jack Christianson and his wife Melanie. We ate a great dinner with them and had a nice visit. We spent the night there and then drove to our temporary apartment in Rochester. We spent all of Wednesday getting our apartment set up and shopping. Thursday was our first day in the office. Elder S is going to work with finances and Sister S will be the secretary. We look forward to our future service here.

1 comment:

  1. Both of you inspire me! As I looked at your pictures it brought back memories of visiting the Sacred Grove when I was on tour with the Choir in June. It is truly a sacred spot on this Earth. This is a glorious gospel and I am so happy that both of you can serve as FULL TIME missionaries for the Lord. What a blessing you will be for those you meet in New York!! Love, Debby
