Friday, August 26, 2011

Sacred Grove Tour

Tuesday was a special day, when we were taken on a guided tour of some of the sacred sites with Pres. and Sister Christianson and the 5 new missionaries and Elder and Sister Jones (from Centerville, UT). We started at the grave site of Alvin Smith, the oldest brother of Joseph Jr. It is located just north of the 4 church corner on Main Street in Palmyra. It is on top of a small hill. Alvin died as a result of a bad diagnoses from a Doctor. The medicine given actually caused a blockage in his intestine and resulted in gangrene. The preachers of the time told the Smith family that their son was lost because he had not been baptized. That caused Joseph Sr. to stop going to church. That subject weighed heavily on the entire family. It probably contributed to Joseph's questions about a true church.

We then drove to the Martin Harris farm two miles down the road, and turned around. Two senior missionary couples live there but there are no tours. We next went to the Sacred Grove. We started our tour in the Welcome Center and then went into the Log Cabin where the Smiths first lived. This cabin was actually rebuilt in 2000 on the exact spot of the original one. It was so interesting standing in the upstairs bedroom where Moroni appeared to Joseph Jr. It was easy to imagine how amazing that experience was. Pictures: top Pres. Christianson, Elder Gudgell (nephew of Brent Gudgell who was formerly in our Ward), The "Apostle" tree.

We then walked out the back door of the cabin and to the Sacred Grove, about 200 feet away. We then walked into the newer part of the grove that was planted in about 1970. That area serves as a buffer between the outside world and the original parts of the grove. We walked back along the trail having various things described to us. We saw the 230+ year old “Witness trees” (which probably witnessed the First Vision), “the 12 Apostle tree” and other unique trees. We were given 10 minutes to go off alone in the grove and pray. We were all challenged to have a Sacred Grove Experience. Each of you can have that type of experience wherever you are. Find a quiet place, sit down, pray and contemplate. Ponder how the Lord has blessed you and what His atonement means to you. May the Lord bless you in all that you do.

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