Saturday, September 24, 2011

Servoss', McVeas & Yosef

Yosef & the Moroni Mounument

Yosef from Jerusalem

We had a wonderful experience this week with Yosef from Jerusalem. Here is what happened last Wednesday night and Thursday: On September 21st 2011 after the site meeting at the Hill Cumorah Visitor’s Center Elder and Sister Servoss and Elder and Sister McVea walked to the top of the Hill pondering how it must have been like 184 years earlier when Joseph Smith, Jr. climbed that same hill to retrieve the golden plates. It was very dark, with no moonlight. Our flashlights aided us in making our way along the path. We made it to the Moroni monument about 10 pm. As we approached it we saw a man sitting on a bench at the side of the monument. He looked like he was in deep contemplation. We sat on the other side of the monument and chatted. We knew that there would be many more people coming to that site in a few minutes, so Elder Servoss decided to meet the man. He went to the man and introduced himself. The young man was very cordial and told him that his name was Yosef (Joseph). When asked where he was from, he stated that he was from Jerusalem. He was then asked if he was a latter-day saint. He replied that he was Jewish, and had grown up in America. Elder Servoss told him that he was a missionary from the church and that there was a group of others that would be arriving soon to celebrate the 184th anniversary of the Prophet Joseph’s experience on the hill. He said, “Yes, I know, that is why I am here.” He had read Joseph’s account of obtaining the plates on the 22nd of Sept. He told us that he was thinking of joining the church. He was excited that he could drive all day from Boston and be at the Hill on the evening of the 21st. We learned from him that this time of year is also the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur (or day of atonement).

He said that he had become interested in Christianity and had read the Bible and found out through the internet that there was another witness for Christ, called the Book of Mormon. That fact intrigued him so he began a search to try and find the book. He ended up reading it on-line about a year ago. For a Jew it is frowned upon if visits are made to the Christian holy sites in Jerusalem. He, however, did visit the sites, including Christ’s tomb. As he learned more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints he learned that the church also had very sacred historical sites in America. When he had an invitation to attend a wedding in Massachusetts, he determined that he wanted to visit the Mormon historical sites in New York on the same trip.

Yosef joined with us for the devotional during which Elders Gardner and Haacke shared stories from Joseph Smith, Heber C. Kimball, and Brigham Young about what happened to them on this same night back in 1827. Yosef video recorded most of the event. After the meeting he walked to the base of the hill with us. He told us that he had all of Thursday to tour the sites. He told us that the things he had learned seemed so familiar. Sister McVea boldly told him that we would love to stay in contact and would love to hear when he is baptized. He told us that he would call us back.

On Thursday he was given a tour of the homes by Sister Chatterton. Then he went off to spend time in the Sacred Grove to contemplate. Sister Chatterton called the office after the tour and reported back to us that she had very much enjoyed talking with him and that he was so receptive and ready. She learned that his parents went back to Israel in the 1970’s and that he had been raised there. They are US citizens and have also spent time in the States. He is a member of the military reserves in Israel. In the afternoon Yosef visited the Grandin building and was given a tour by Elder Nielsen. The next day Yosef sent an email to Elder Nielsen thanking him for the tour. He said that he was very impressed with all that he learned about many things having had to come together to allow the Book of Mormon to be published. He then said the following, “—And I realized that it wasn’t just luck that I was available to make this trip on Sept. 21-22 or that I am going to be returning to the US this summer. I prayed this morning and received my answer today. The path is clear. I want to return to Palmyra this summer and be baptized. If possible, I would love to spend the first weeks after my baptism as a member of the crew or cast of Pageant, sharing my testimony with others and also strengthening my own. I can think of no blessing greater than connecting with a community of Saints in this sacred work. It would also be [a] great way to celebrate my new start in the church! Elder Nielsen, thank you again for inspiring me and for being the angel that brought all of these pieces together. It would be an honor if you would baptize me this summer.” It was an amazing experience and we look forward to having more correspondence with Yosef before he returns next summer.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Elder & Sister Nash & us Office Couples

Elder Nash's Mission Visit

This past week our mission was blessed with the visit of Elder Marcus B. Nash of the First Quorum of Seventy, and his wife Shelly. They were in our mission for several days conducting Zone Conferences and a mission tour. At dinner time on Monday we had the pleasure of hosting Elder and Sister Nash, Pres. and Sister Christianson, the other office couple (Elder and Sister McVea), and the Assistants to the President Elders Peck and Cook in our mission residence in the John Young home. We had a great meal and were glad to be able to share the time with all of them. After the meal we drove to the Hill Cumorah Visitor’s Center for a special fireside with all of the senior couples. In the meeting Elder Nash told us how the Lord is pleased that we are here in this mission to serve Him, and that He had called each of us to serve here. He also told us, “—this is the only true and living church --- it breaths life and power into the world.”

On Tuesday we went back to the Palmyra chapel for the other two zone conference with Elder Nash. He told us that recognizing the spirit will give more purpose to our lives. He also spoke about the comparison of a sunrise to the enlightenment of the spirit. As the sunrise gradually increases, so it is with the spirit of truth as it enlightens our souls.

We are also finding out more about the church history that took place right here in Mendon. Brigham Young came to visit his father in this house in 1828 and ended up moving here and building a home next door. He also built a sawmill and woodshop over the creek that is 1/8 of a mile from this, the John Young home. Just down the road in the Tomlinson Inn Samuel Smith sold a Book of Mormon to Phineas Young. Phineas read it twice, thinking to find fault in it. He discovered that it was the word of God, and shared it with his father, John. So John read one of the first copies of the Book of Mormon in this home. He then gave it to his daughter, who gave it to Brigham. So, that one book had a big influence on many people, the one becoming the new prophet.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The John Young Home

Our Move to the Country

On Labor Day we made the move to the beautiful, green, quiet country. We loaded our car full to make the move. We moved about 20 miles to the town of Mendon, and the village of Honeoye Falls in Monroe County. The homes are scattered between farm fields and wooded areas. The home we live in is called the “John Young” home. It was built by Brigham Young’s father about 1825. Part of the home, which was in an “L” shape, was actually separated (at some point in time) from the main house and moved about 100 feet across an area that became a road. It was remodeled into a two bedroom home. It is also owned by the church and our wonderful office friends, the McVea’s live there. The remainder of the home that we live in has been remodeled several times and is very spacious for us. The master bedroom is very large. There are also two plus bedrooms (plenty of room for guests), a large laundry room (yea) and two bathrooms. We also have a large living room and dining nook. The country kitchen is very large and is about the size of the living room in our Bountiful home. It has a unique somewhat slanted floor. There is also a very scary attic and basement (where you can see evidence of the old building construction), but we keep the doors closed. The home is surrounded by about an acre of green lawn grass (which we don’t have to mow, yea). Out of the dining area window you see the grass, a row of trees and farm fields. This morning we saw three Canadian geese in the field. We also have a garage that we share, which is across the street. Then there is the big red barn next to the garage. We really love it here. There are bike lanes along the main road, which intersects with Cheese Factory Road (our street). Many white tail deer live in our neighborhood as well.

The countryside is covered with rolling hills, woods and streams. There are many very nice homes on large pieces of ground. On Saturday evening (on our prep day), I wanted to watch the BYU-Texas game. I had heard that the Stake President, Jeff Clark, was a cougar and had satelite tv, so while I was talking to him about church matters, I asked if I could watch the game with him. He concented and we had a great time watching the first half with BYU ahead. Then the young men of the Ward came to join us, and the game went downhill from there. Jeff lives in a very large home surrounded by lots of lawn and has a pool. We had a good time there.

On Sunday we spoke in church. We were the only speakers and so we enjoyed talking about member missionary work. We gave the Ward some challenges and had them all get a pass-along card at the door to share with someone. It is the one with Christ depicted appearing to the people in ancient America, and offers a free Book of Mormon. We asked them to contemplate who to give it to, pray about it and then do it. We are excited to see what this will do.

We love serving here and are very happy that the recent bad weather in the east has by-passed us. We have just had a little extra rain.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Church/Visitor's Center, Book of Mormon, Whitmer Home

The Marvelous Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon is such an amazing book. Right now all of us missionaries here have been challenged to read the entire Book of Mormon in companionship study before the end of October. Kae and I have been reading it for the past 12 days and are in the book of Alma Chapter 12 now. On the side, we have also been reading an LDS historical novel titled: “Out of Darkness”, by Keith C. Terry. It is a fictional story about non LDS scholars who were paid to use their areas of expertise to evaluate and authenticate the antiquity of the B/M. The author uses actual facts and findings that are presented by the fictional characters to teach the reader about the truth of the B/M and how it would have been impossible for Joseph Smith to have written it. The more we read the B/M and all the twists of the time line for Mosiah, Alma, Limhi, Ammon, and so forth it is hard to comprehend how an unlearned farm boy could have fabricated it. He would have had to come up with over 200 original names with an old world connection. Then there are all the visions and prophecies pertaining to Christ and his future birth. Similar to what Isaiah and others spoke of in the Bible when they mentioned Jehovah, Emmanuel, etc., but not mentioning the specific name of Christ.

It is so great to be here in the cradle of the restoration. Yesterday, Saturday, we went to the Whitmer Farm on an exploratory visit (for a future event). We walked into the Whitmer home (cabin) where the Saints gathered to organize the church in 1830. It was on April 6th, 1980 when then Pres. Kimball was in the Whitmer home doing a remote broadcast as part of General Conference. That weekend the Chapel/Visitor’s Center was also dedicated. It was also there that the Three Witnesses to the B/M saw the angel Moroni and the golden plates. So our testimonies have been strengthened by knowledge, but also by the Spirit that whispers its truth to us. We testify that it is true and that a great Nephite prophet, Moroni, did bury the plates in the Hill Cumorah and then gave them to Joseph Smith, Jr. 1400 years later. We have been in the Grandin press, where it was published. Like other church sites, it has been wonderfully restored.

Our challenge to all of you is to read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover in the next 3 months, faster is better. We promise you that if you do read it and pray about it, the Lord will bless you with either your first testimony of its truth, or a re-confirmation of your long standing testimony of it. We know that it is true and that it is a perfect match to the Bible. It is a second witness for Christ.