Sunday, September 18, 2011

Elder Nash's Mission Visit

This past week our mission was blessed with the visit of Elder Marcus B. Nash of the First Quorum of Seventy, and his wife Shelly. They were in our mission for several days conducting Zone Conferences and a mission tour. At dinner time on Monday we had the pleasure of hosting Elder and Sister Nash, Pres. and Sister Christianson, the other office couple (Elder and Sister McVea), and the Assistants to the President Elders Peck and Cook in our mission residence in the John Young home. We had a great meal and were glad to be able to share the time with all of them. After the meal we drove to the Hill Cumorah Visitor’s Center for a special fireside with all of the senior couples. In the meeting Elder Nash told us how the Lord is pleased that we are here in this mission to serve Him, and that He had called each of us to serve here. He also told us, “—this is the only true and living church --- it breaths life and power into the world.”

On Tuesday we went back to the Palmyra chapel for the other two zone conference with Elder Nash. He told us that recognizing the spirit will give more purpose to our lives. He also spoke about the comparison of a sunrise to the enlightenment of the spirit. As the sunrise gradually increases, so it is with the spirit of truth as it enlightens our souls.

We are also finding out more about the church history that took place right here in Mendon. Brigham Young came to visit his father in this house in 1828 and ended up moving here and building a home next door. He also built a sawmill and woodshop over the creek that is 1/8 of a mile from this, the John Young home. Just down the road in the Tomlinson Inn Samuel Smith sold a Book of Mormon to Phineas Young. Phineas read it twice, thinking to find fault in it. He discovered that it was the word of God, and shared it with his father, John. So John read one of the first copies of the Book of Mormon in this home. He then gave it to his daughter, who gave it to Brigham. So, that one book had a big influence on many people, the one becoming the new prophet.

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