Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Smith Farm & Sacred Grove in the Winter

We had a few pictures to show, so we will have two groups just before this story.

Two weeks ago we had the opportunity of visiting the Smith Farm and the Sacred Grove on a Saturday. It was a privilege to have two of our young Sister Missionaries walk through the Grove with us in 2 inches of snow. There were no other visitors, so we were able to leave the senior couple in the Welcome Center. The Grove is amazing in any season, but it was very still and pristine that day. We walked past some trees that are known to be over 200 years old, which we refer to as the "witness trees" (since they lived when Joseph Smith had the marvelous experience of seeing and speaking with God the Father and Jesus Christ). There is always a special feeling that can be felt when one pauses in the Grove and reflects back to that sacred event.

After 45 minutes in the Grove we walked out the path that led back to the Smith frame home. We walked past the cooper shop (barrel making shop) where Joseph buried the plates under the floor boards for one night. He was told to move them, and did so, putting them in the loft and leaving the closed wooden box under the floor. Some people came searching and tore up the floor boards. They found the box and were excited until they found it empty. They were so disappointed that they did not look elsewhere in the shop before leaving (not knowing that the plates were just above them in the loft). We then walked past the frame home and down the path back to the log home and the Welcome Center. We look forward to showing any of you these special sites. This is an amazing place to be.

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