Sunday, May 20, 2012

Brent Hutching's Visit

Our visit with another cousin is coming to a conclusion.  Kae's cousin, Brent Hutchings, arrived here last Wednesday night from Utah.  He had ridden his motorcycle the entire 2,000 miles + in 3.5 days.  He was glad to be with us, but he could probably have ridden further had he wanted to.  This was his first visit to the sacred sites of Western New York.  He was surprised that there were great historical sites here in Mendon too.  We took him to the Tomlinson Inn, and the Tomlinson Corners Cemetery that first evening.  The next day we made a 250 mile roundtrip to Wellsville, NY to check out possible apartments for his sister and brother-in-law, Shirlee and Gary Best, who will be serving a mission here starting next month.  We think that we found them a place to live.  It was very unique that he could be involved in the apartment search. We then drove to Palmyra and the Welcome Center at the Smith farm.  We went on a tour of the cabin and frame home.  It was so amazing to be inside those structures while trying to imagine what life with the Smith's must have been like.  They were such industrious people and endured so much.  We then walked with Brent to the Sacred Grove.
We enjoyed the time in the peaceful Grove.  It really is a place where you can feel the Spirit very strongly.  Our mission president, Jack R. Christianson, said that the Grove is essentially like an outdoor temple.

Saturday Brent cleaned his cycle and I went for a 2 mile bike ride.  Then Brent took me for a fun ride on his big motorcycle.  It was quite exhilarating.  Kae visited some antique and fabric stores and returned before lunch.  We then drove to  Waterloo and bought sandwiches at the Amish store, Sauders.  Then it was another 5 miles to Fayette.  We had a tour of the chapel and the Whitmer home.  Brent could still remember that special Sunday, April 6th, 1980, when Pres. Spencer W. Kimball conducted the Sunday session of General Conference via satellite from the Whitmer home.  Brent had a great time talking with Elder Jeffs, who lives there at Fayette and serves with his wife as a Site Couple.  They had some Utah State government ties. 

Today we went to church and then visited with Brent as he packed up his gear in preparation for his return trip tomorrow.  This has been a great experience for him and us.  He is a really great guy and we loved having the chance to associate with him during this special visit.  We will miss him and pray for his safe journey. 

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