Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Quick Trip to Kirtland & Methodist SS Class

On Friday after serving in the mission office all day, we drove with Elder & Sister Jensen to Kirtland, Ohio to pick up a truck for our fleet.  It took us over 4 hours to make the trip, arriving after 10 pm.  We stayed the night in a motel and then drove the two miles to Kirtland and the historical sites.  When we started our tour we made an immediate connection with the young sister missionaries.  One of them was a Sister Hatch from Tremonton, Utah.  She is a cousin of a Sister Hatch who serves here with us.  They gave us a great tour of the Whitmer store, home and the ashery.  It was the longest tour that we have ever had there.  We would recommend visiting there.  It was fun comparing notes with the missionary force there verses what we have.  We also met a couple from Syracuse, Utah, Jeff & Sherie Peck.  They had been the owners of the Taco Time store in Centerville when Lance and Tyler worked there.  It was fun having them tell us about our sons.

We  also made a brief visit to the Kirtland Temple and toured it with some family groups.  It was a nicer tour than the last time that we were there in 2003.  The temple is owned and operated by the Community of Christ.  They gave us a good tour.  The biggest difference was that there was a lot of knowledge shared, but no testimony as at the LDS sites.  It was still great to visit that first temple of the modern day.

We drove back the 250 miles that afternoon and arrived just in time for the High Priests Group party.  We had a great time with about 50 Ward members.  The food was great and the entertainment was fun.  We even had a sing-a-long, and Kent sang the MTA with another brother.  It was a fun time.

This morning, Sunday, we were invited to attend the Methodist Church Sunday School Class in Honeoye Falls.  We gave ten class members a one hour presentation about what we believe.  It was a good experience and they were a good class, with lots of questions.  The best thing we did was leave copies of the Book of Mormon with them.  The Spirit was with us and we felt quite comfortable talking with them. 

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