Sunday, August 19, 2012

Robyn Steenstra's Family Visit

On the 3rd of August our foster son, Robyn Steenstra, and family arrived from Orlando.  We had not seen them in about 2 years.  They have all grown up so fast.  The twin girls, Sasha and Saskia loved riding the folding bikes.  They all loved the swings.  We had a great time with them going to the sites in Palmyra and enjoying tours of the Smith Farm, Sacred Grove, Grandin Press, and Hill Cumorah.  We gave them so added insight concerning the Grove and the Hill. 

We also took a trip to Niagara Falls.  Their family was very impressed with the volume of water that pours over the falls every second.  We visited the Canadian side first and walked through crowds of hundreds of people from many countries in the world.  We had only seen the Canadian view of the falls during the night time, so this visit was very different.  It gave us a panoramic view that we had not experienced before.  When we later went to the American side there were a lot fewer visitors there. 

It was certainly a wonderful experience having the Steenstras with us.  Forty six years ago my companion and I tracted off a flat in Haarlem, Netherlands and found Jan & Dini Steenstra.  We sold a Book of Mormon to Dini and scheduled a return appointment.  When we returned a few days later they were waiting for us with open arms.  Jan was happy to meet us and asked us if he could buy 3 more copies of the book.  We worked with that "golden" family for about a month before they were baptized.  Years later they came to visit us in Utah two or three times.  Then in 1982 they asked us if Robyn, their youngest, could come and live in Utah and attend school for his 12th year of study.  We worked out a way and he ended up living with friends of ours, the Lemmons.  In January of '83 he moved in with us.  He spent the rest of that senior year living in our home.  He then went to BYU for a semester and then got his mission call to Pennsylvania.  To make a long story short, he is now an ER Doctor in Orlando, and has six children.  His oldest son is now serving a mission in the Las Vegas area.   The Lord has been very kind to us in blessing us with this long friendship. It was sad the see them return home, we had certainly had a wonderful time with them.

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