Monday, February 11, 2013

The Long Journey Home to Utah

Mission Departure February 2013
On January 30th we were finally able to take possession of the new car that we had purchased to replace our old 2003 Explorer, which had a failed transmission, and 185,000 miles on it.  Our 2011 Kia Sorento is a little smaller, so we had fun getting all of our things into it.  

On January 31st we said goodbye to our mission office staff and headed towards Boston, our mission service having been completed.  After a nice drive in cold, windy weather we arrived in the Boston area.  The next day we did some sightseeing in Boston, including touring “Old Ironsides” (the famous steel ship US Constitution from the War of 1812).  We then drove to Rhode Island.  We stopped the car so that Kent could take a picture of the sign with “Welcome to Rhode Island” written on it.  That made a full 50 states that Kent has visited (Kae got her 50 two years ago).  We visited the “Breakers” (former summer home of the Vanderbilts).  It is a huge, beautiful mansion.  We spent that night in a B&B on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.  

On Saturday we drove to Pittstown, New Jersey to the home of some friends.  They live in a very nice home situated on land that is adjacent to and part of a private airport.  Dave just has to open his private hanger, which is 200 feet from his home, and pull out his plane.  He can have it in the air in minutes.  We had a great time in church with them. We went to Philadelphia Monday and to Washington’s Crossing on Tuesday.  That is where General Washington led 2,000 of his men across the Delaware River in boats to attack the Hessian soldiers (German mercenaries, hired by the British).  Later that night we watched the move “The Crossing” on YouTube.  It was a nice movie about that event.  We have driven over 1,000 miles so far, and are just now about to head west.

Then we headed to Virginia on Wednesday, Feb. 6th.   We spent two nights with cousins, the Millers.  We were able to visit two Smithsonian buildings, Museum of Amerian History and the National Museum of Art.  We then went to the War memorials. We had never seen the WWII memorial or the Korean War memorial.  Both of them were impressive.  We also saw the Martin Luther King memorial.  We were reminded of many people who have sacrificed for our behalf.  

Then it was on to Memphis to see our son Brian and family.  We plan on some fun times with them.  We have now driven over 1,900 miles, and have 1,700 more to go to get home.  
We should be home sometime after the 26th.  We are scheduled to speak in church on March 10th, Bountiful 23rd Ward, 600 East 2150 South, at 1 pm. 

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