Sunday, January 8, 2012

January in New York

Another month, another year and here we are in the midst of mild weather and no snow in usually snowy New York. We understand that most of the nation is experiencing the mild weather. It is an unusual year. Yesterday it was 50 degrees here. Kent went for a 5 mile bike ride through the hills and countryside. It was a wondrous warm winter day.

Most of our days in the mission office are uneventful. It is nice when we receive visits from the young missionaries. It is highly suggested that they have packages sent to the mission office, since they transfer often. So, those that serve in the surrounding areas often stop by. Once a week we visit the Hill Cumorah and take packages to the Site Meeting (which most of the young sisters attend). It was amazing to see how many packages came at Christmas time. One day we found 30 or so packages outside the locked door of the office, when we arrived.

We have also recently gotten calls from new senior couples, who will be joining us in the next three months. We enjoy telling them the great things about this mission. We know that we are fortunate to have as many senior couples as we do. If we don't count those serving at the sites, we have six couples who serve in Branches and Wards. Three of them are leaving soon and so we look forward to their replacements taking over. The mission force is continually changing, and that is usually good. All of the missions that we are aware of can use more senior couples. It is a wonderful time serving and your efforts are much appreciated.

To get a feel of what mission life is like, we invite any of you to come and visit us here. We are blessed with three extra bedrooms and would be happy to accommodate any of you. This is a new year and happens to be the 75th anniversary of the Hill Cumorah pageant. This year the dates are: July 13, 14 and 17 - 21. We plan on some of our family coming during that time. So as you plan this year, we recommend that you include Church historical sites, including Palmyra (if you can).

It is all true and you can know that too by putting forth the effort. May the Lord bless all of you and your families.

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