Monday, January 16, 2012

Our First Family Visit Here in New York & FHE

Last weekend we had the opportunity and the joy of having our daughter, Kierstin, her husband Matt Pierce, and Matt's mother, Vicki stay with us for a day. The couple flew to New York City last Sunday night. After a few days in the city, they headed west in a rental car towards Ithica, NY. They stayed a couple of nights with an uncle, then attended a cousin's wedding Thursday in Geneva, NY. Finally on Sunday afternoon they made it to our place in Mendon/Honeoye Falls, NY. We enjoyed some great conversation and viewed pictures. After a great lasagna meal, we went for a ride. We took them to see some of the surrounding area, including the very unique "Mushroom house" in Penfield (near Rochester). You can google it, or follow this link: It is a very unusual home that is built on a sloping hillside and is supported by single steel supports. It really reminds one of some giant mushrooms.

We next drove around our local Ward church building and past the Mission Office. As the sun was setting we returned back to our missionary home to relax. We had a great time playing a game and chatting. It was all too soon time to retire for the evening. Monday morning we enjoyed a nice breakfast and then it was time for them to depart. They had to return first to Ithica and then on to NYC for an 8 pm flight. It was great having them visit us. We really look forward to having more family visit us later this year.

Monday night we went to the Welcome Center at the Smith Farm for a special FHE. A new couple have arrived to be the Directors of the Church Historical sites here. Elder and Sister Searle have served as the Mission President in NY NY North. It was nice to meet them. We also had a great activity playing "Jeopardy - General Conference edition". The McVeas had prepared questions that we tried to answer after selecting a category and dollar amount off the displayed chart. It was a good review of the Conference talks that we have been reading the past few months. It is so nice to be with the other senior missionaries.

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