Sunday, October 2, 2011

Conference & Hurst Relatives

We have just had another amazing week here in New York. We have been involved in many things in the office and elsewhere. On Saturday we attended a baptism in the church building where we attend. We then returned to our rental home and watched conference. We then made a trip to the library and grocery store. We returned to our place to watch the afternoon session and then at 6:30 Kent and Elder McVea drove to the Rochester Stake Center for another convert baptism. Then we walked into the chapel and watched the priesthood session. President Christianson sat next to us and we gave him a ride home afterwards. I wondered about my sons back home and where they viewed the session. I miss being with them, but know that we are in the right place right now. I loved Elder Holland's talk about enlisting in the service of the Lord and serving missions. I was happy that we had answered the call already. Many of our friends also have done that, or are serving as they can. What a wonderful opportunity for all worthy and able members, to serve as they can.

A few weeks ago I discovered that a local bishop's name was James H. Hurst. I thought that he was probably related to me, so I called him and confirmed that we had a common great great grandfather, Frederick William Hurst. We shared some emails and then today we drove an hour to Brockport to meet him and part of his family. We met them at the church there and watched conference with over 30 members. Then we enjoyed a luncheon in the recreation hall. Jim has been the bishop for 5 years and has lived here for 14 years. Like so many others here, he works for Kodak Company. It was nice to make their acquaintance and visit. We then returned home to watch the concluding session of conference. What a blessing that we have the Internet that enables us to watch the conference sessions live. We are so grateful for the gospel and love serving the Lord. It is such a blessing to be here at this time. This week we have arriving and departing missionaries and transfers. It will be another busy week. The gospel is true and we testify of that to all of you. May you all enjoy the messages of this conference.

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