Sunday, October 9, 2011

Letchworth State Park & Wooded Areas

Saturday, we joined two other senior couples and drove to the “Grand Canyon of the East” - Letchworth State Park. It is a wonderful canyon cut through a mountain with the Genesee River running through it. The park is about 20 miles long and 5 miles wide. There are a number of waterfalls, the highest of which is 107 feet high, with the canyon walls rising to 600 feet above the river. Many of the trees had changed color, but we were maybe a week early for the ‘real show of color’. It was great to see nature’s wonders even in New York. We visited a craft fair in the park and then ate a late lunch at Dave's Diner. The food was great and the company was too.
Missionaries are not much different than others in that they need a little ‘down time’. It is wonderful to be in the mission office where we do important work 8 to 9 hours a day, five days a week. The mission rules allow for a preparation or diversion day, which for us is Saturday. Some of those days we attend baptisms and other church meetings, or the temple. We also help with the local ward.

We are enjoying the changing colors of fall here. Many trees in the woods are turning shades of yellow, orange and red. There are trees everywhere here and farm fields. Most things are still very green. The corn crops have now turned yellow and are about ready to be chopped up into feed or bio-fuel. It is an amazing site to see and we love driving the 8 miles to the office, passing farms, fields, and large homes secluded in wooded areas.

The life is great here and we love it. We certainly miss our family and friends back home, but we are also grateful to have this opportunity to work with the missionaries and people of New York. The time is going by quickly. We love the Lord and pray that he will bless you and your families. We love you all so much.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures, sweet Kae! Thanks for taking the time to share.
    Enjoyed also the story of your 'jewish friend' in the sacred grove.
    Dan's and my thoughts and love are with you and Kent every day. :)
