Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fayette, Seneca Lake Camp & Fall Colors

Last Thursday we went to Fayette for a Mission Conference. It was an opportunity for us all to review our recent six week reading of the Book of Mormon. We had a testimony meeting in which many of the young missionaries bore testimony of the value of having read the book in such a short time. The process strengthened many testimonies and created a special atmosphere in the work here. There have been some extra baptisms that have resulted. Many of our missionaries had never been to the sites in Fayette. We went to Fayette because it was the place where the translation of the Book of Mormon was completed and the Eight Witnesses were shown the plates and bore testimony of their experience. The Whitmer Farm with its cabin (home) was also the site where the church was organized. Many of us remember April 6th, 1980 when a session of General Conference was broadcast live from the Whitmer cabin as part the 150th anniversary of the organization of the church. President Spencer W. Kimball spoke and also dedicated the reconstructed Whitmer cabin and the new church that day. The church was built next to the Whitmer cabin. It has a wing that is used as the Visitor's Center. The church has purchased many acres surrounding the sites, so it is in a protected spot in the country. It is 2+ miles from the town of Fayette.

About 7 miles away is a wonderful camp that the church owns called Seneca Lake Camp. It is a beautiful complex of cabins, tent & trailer campsites, lake front property and a large guest house that can be rented. It is nestled in wooded and grassy areas. There are canoes that can be used to explore the lake. Seneca Lake is one of the deepest lakes in the US (almost 300 feet). It is sort of like Aspen Grove combined with a scout camp. Church groups from all over the east use the camp.

The fall colors here are fantastic. There are so many brilliant yellow, red and orange colors dotting the landscape. Then there are still the green hills, and some trees that are still green. The temperature is still in the 50's and 60's. What a great place to be. We also enjoyed walking through part of the Sacred Grove yesterday. We pray that all is well with each of you and that the Lord will bless you in your endeavors. Enjoy the fall wherever you are.

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