Sunday, November 20, 2011

Baptism in Bath, NY & Visit in Buffalo

Saturday and Sunday were very busy days for us. We did a lot of traveling. It started yesterday, Saturday. We went to the Palmyra Temple in the morning, and then met one of the Sister Hill, one of our missionaries, who was released Wednesday, and her parents. At 3:15 we took another missionary couple and two Elders with us on a 70 mile trip to Bath, NY for a baptism. The Martins were baptized after a short three weeks of investigation, learning and prayer. They are a nice young couple. We attended to support some of our young Elders and their efforts. It was interesting driving there because over 20 miles of it was alongside Canandaigua Lake. It is one of the large finger lakes here in western New York. We drove through Naples and Italy valley also before reaching Bath. That part of NY has bigger hills (small mountains) than here in Rochester area.

Today we attended church and then drove about two hours to Orchard Park (near Buffalo). We went to visit a family friend, Mike Schaff. He and Jen live there with there three children. Mike was one of Trent's best friends and was in the scout troop when I was scoutmaster. It was great to see them. The drive there is on the toll road freeway, I-90. We passed through a lot of typical NY farm land, with red barns, open fields and wooded areas. This next week will give us a long weekend as the office will be closed Thursday and Friday. We will have a nice dinner with many of the other senior couples on Thanksgiving at the Hill Cumorah. There is a gathering area in the basement of the visitors center there that we will meet in. We look forward to that. Then on Friday we are driving 3 hours to Erie, PA to visit with Elder and Sister Green (Rod & Cathy). That is the half way point between our mission locations. It will be good to see them again. Our family members back in Utah are all getting together at Lance and Becca's home on Thursday. We miss all of our family and look forward to visits from them next summer. Meanwhile we are very much enjoying serving here. We learn new things all the time and are grateful that we are having some wonderful experiences. The gospel is true and we pray that all of you appreciate the great blessings that the gospel brings into our lives. We pray that you will all have a great Thanksgiving holiday time and that you will enjoy being with family, as your circumstances permit.

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