Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving & Birthday Visit

This has been another great week here in New York. We had some busy days in the office and then got to have an extended weekend. Thursday was a nice sunny day. We worked around the house. Kent went for a 3 mile bike ride in the afternoon. Then it was time to drive to the Hill Cumorah Visitors Center for a nice dinner with many of the other senior couples. We had about 40 of us seated in the basement room. We had a very nice meal and our mission president shared a message of thankfulness with us. He wanted us to know that as the Lord's representative he wanted to tell us that the Lord was thankful for our service here. He also stated simply, "It's all true!" (meaning the restored gospel). It was great visiting with the other couples.

Friday was the big "66" for Elder Servoss, so we celebrated by getting up at 5 am and driving three hours to Erie, Pennsylvania. We met our cousins, Rod & Cathy Green, who are serving a mission in Wheeling,WV. We both had permission from our missions to travel there for a fun day of visiting. It was so good to see them after four months. They are doing well and have had a lot of success in reactivating members of the Wheeling Ward. They also volunteer at a hospital. We walked in the sand of Lake Erie and also did some shopping. At 3:15 we went to a buffet restaurant and had a very nice meal. At 6 pm we parted ways again, and both couples drove back to their assigned cities. Missions for couples are really great, and we are thankful for flexibility too.

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