Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kent's Eye Miracle

Pictures above are us with Elder Gudgell, us at the office, and us at Lake Ontario.

In January of this year, I was noticing a change in my vision. I could not see very well out of my right eye. I put off going to the optometrist for a few weeks. When I finally went to see him and had an exam I was surprised to find out that I had three burst blood vessels in my retina. He told me that I needed to see a retina specialist. Three days later I was being examined and was told that I had a major problem and could have lost my eye had I not come to get help. My vision was 20/50, he recommended a treatment. I asked our son Trent to give me a priesthood blessing. Our prayers concerning my eye increased over the next few months. The doctor told us that we would need to serve in North America, so that I would be near the proper caregivers. Over the next few months I had two shots of Evaston in my eye. It seemed to help, and my vision improved to 20/30. The doctor recommended that I have a special laser treatment, which I then had done. He burned 240 tiny holes into my retina to allow oxygen to get into the affected area and help heal the eye. A few weeks later I had a vision exam that showed that I could now see 20/20. I was so amazed and so was the doctor. A month later I took my divers license eye exam and passed without corrective lenses for the first time ever. Since arriving in the mission I have had two follow-up exams and during the last one my vision was again verified as being 20/20. The nurse said that she had been working with retina doctors for 19 years and had never seen anyone recover from that condition like I had. She and the doctor agreed that my recovery was a miracle. We were so pleased and also felt that I had been very blessed. The Lord has been so good to me. A miracle has taken place and I am so glad to have great vision once again.

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