Sunday, December 11, 2011

Annual Christmas Open House

On Saturday the 10th we held our annual Christmas Open House again, only this time it was 2,000 miles away from our home in Bountiful. We hosted over 30 people, including neighbors, ward members and missionaries. It was a fun event hosted by us and our neighbors, Elder & Sister McVea (who work in the mission office with us). Elder Servoss conducted tours of the cellar and old attic. The pictures are of the house and the cellar, complete with old rough tree trunk beams. You also see the old steps.
This John Young home is 185 years old. You also see some of our guests including Sister Gonzalez from Ogden, and Elder Jeffs from Castledale, Utah. We also made a new sign for the home site of Brigham Young, which is about 1,000 feet east of this home. We had a great evening of visiting. We did miss all of you back in Utah, and look forward to having an Open house back there in two years. Enjoy the new week, we will be going to Buffalo for a special Christmas Bi-Zone Meeting on Tuesday. Pictures will be added above this story tomorrow.

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