Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas in the Palmyra Area

Greetings to all and Merry Christmas. We had a great Christmas weekend here in New York. It all began on Wednesday when we delivered packages for missionaries at the Hill Cumorah Visitors Center. Then on Thursday night we drove back to the temple to attend a session. It was a great spiritual boost for the week. Friday we worked in the office and then at night we watched a video with the McVeas. On Saturday we attended a baptism in Rochester. Tina was baptized and has truly become a new person. She had a very rough life, but she had a friend that she met when they were four. As young teens, they were best friends and decided that they wanted to find the true religion but were not successful. They grew up and her girlfriend found the Mormon Church, joined it and moved away. Tina had lost contact with her friend and ended up going a different direction. After over 25 years of marriage and a hard life, her husband died and she determined to improve her life. She moved from Florida, to join her two daughters (who already lived in NY) to start a new life. She decided that she would visit the Mormon Church and find out what her friend had found was so good about it. She simply walked into the Rochester 1st Ward building and asked to be taught. The young sister missionaries, Chatterton and Wall, were happy to help teach her. The service was very nice. Many people attended, including four of us senior missionaries and Pres. and Sister Christianson, along with two of their granddaughters from Missouri. It was a great "white Christmas" (the baptism). In the afternoon, we went back to the Hill for a Christmas dinner with the other senior couples from the mission. We enjoyed a great meal and the camaraderie. Later that night we watched a couple of Christmas themed videos back at our residence. On Sunday we ate a leisurely breakfast and attended Sacrament Meeting. Then we went home and enjoyed a nap. While we were napping the turkey was baking. Then at 4 pm we had Elder & Sister McVea come join us for dinner. It was a very nice dinner. Of course we also had a few presents to open and finished up our '25 days of Christmas' gifts and notes that a friend had sent us. The longer we live the more we realize that spending time visiting with family members by phone, Internet or Skype is way more important and enjoyable than any presents. We also loved receiving the many Christmas cards from friends and family. Oh yes, we should mention that we had a little snow on Saturday but only half an inch. Then it snowed a little this morning (Monday). It has been a very unusual season here this year compared to the 30 inches they had at the same time last year.

We hope that all of you had a great Christmas and time of reflection on the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. He has blessed us all so much and will continue to bless us as we are obedient and follow Him. We pray that the Lord will bless each of you that you will have a great 2012 and that you will enjoy much happiness.

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