Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chritmas Zone Devotionals & Joseph Smith Farm Family Home Evening

The past week has gone by quite fast. We had two days of special Christmas time Zone Conferences, one in Palmyra and the other in Buffalo. Both had excellent training sessions, skits, and good food. It is always nice to be taught by our great mission president, Pres. Christianson. Alma 7:7 tells us that the birth of Christ is a thing that is more important than they all. It was not only a wondrous event, but allowed the Savior of the world to gain a mortal body, live on earth, preach, heal, teach and suffer for us. Without His sacrifice on the cross for us, the atonement would not have become a reality. When we read the genealogy of Jesus, we see some bad characters along with the righteous. We have no excuses for trying to blame our problems or situations on the unrighteous people in our own heritage. We all have our free agency and we can each fail or succeed. We were told that today's prophets have said the words of Joel 2:28 "----your sons and your daughters shall prophesy ---and your young men see visions: ---" have been fulfilled in our day. We are all promised that we can have personal revelation. We must prepare ourselves to receive it. Also our testimonies grow as we nourish them.

Last night was another special time, we participated in Family Home Evening (FHE) at the Joseph Smith Farm historic sites. It was very nice to walk along the darkened path to the log home and then to the frame home and view the lighted temple through the trees. A senior couple read the Christmas story from the book of Luke, while a group of us stood around him inside the Smith frame home. In the barn there were some games, and back in the Welcome Center there was hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls. Singing was provided by many of the missionaries. In the basement were more games for the younger children. There were about 400 people who attended over a space of 2 hours. It was a very nice event.

On Christmas Eve we will be going to the Hill Cumorah Center again for another nice meal with the senior missionaries. We look forward to that, and then we will have a quiet night back in the John Young home. On Christmas Day we will attend sacrament meeting and then return home. We plan to spend time visiting with our extended family via the internet and Skype. What a great place to be during this time of year. It is also transfer time for some, we just had 6 missionaries depart for home today and on Monday, the 26th, we will receive 10 new missionaries. Life is good and we feel so blessed to be able to serve the Lord. May His choicest blessing be poured out upon all of you at this joyous season!

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